Ov?r?ll, th? broker ?r?v?d?? a r?ng? ?f M?t?Tr?d?r ???l???t??n? (desktop ?nd w?b v?r???n? of MT4 ?nd MT5) ?nd ?Tr?d?r ???l???t??n?, g?v?ng traders a w?d? r?ng? ?f ??t??n? ????rd?ng t? th??r tr?d?ng ?t?l?. D????t? th? m?n? ?m?r?v?m?nt? m?d? t? MT5 r???ntl? (and m??t ?m??rt?ntl?, th? addition ?f h?dg?ng ??t??n?), m??t FxPr? tr?d?r? ?t?ll ?r?f?r Fx Pro MetaTrader 4. MT4 provides ?n ?dv?n??d ?h?rt?ng ???k?g?, t??hn???l ?nd???t?r?, ?xt?n??v? b??kt??t?, ?nd V?r??u? Expert ?dv???r? (EA?). R??d h?w t? u?? M?t?Tr?d?r 4.

Th? ?u??????r t? MT4, M?t?Tr?d?r 5, allows tr?n???t??n? ?n mult??l? f?n?n???l m?rk?t? and ?t??k ?x?h?ng?? v?? a ??ngl? tr?d?ng ????unt. Th? ??? also h?? advanced ?h?rt?ng ???k?g??, tr?d?ng ?nd ?n?l???? t??l?, alerts, tr?d?ng ??gn?l?, ?nd MT5-?????f?? ?nd???t?r?—click this site and r??d h?w t? u?? M?t?Tr?d?r 5.

L??tl?, FxPro offers th? ?Tr?d?r ???l???t??n ??????ll? bu?lt f?r u?? ?n NDD ?nv?r?nm?nt?. ?Tr?d?r ?? f??t, ???? t? u??, ?nd ?r?v?d?? ?r??? tr?n???r?n?? ?nd t?ght ??r??d?. Th? ?Tr?d?r ???l???t??n on ?ff?r ?n?lud?? PC, w?b, ?nd m?b?l? v?r???n? ?nd ??ftw?r? f?r ?ut?m?t?d tr?d?ng ?f ?Alg?.


FxPr? h?? a g??d m?rk?t r????r?h base, but ??nn?t compete for w?th ?ndu?tr? l??d?r?. L?t??t n?w? ?nd ?n?l???? v?? his bl?g, D?w J?n?? n?w? ?tr??m, Tr?d?ng C?ntr?l (?Tr?d?r ?nl?), and ???n?m?? ??l?nd?r (r??d h?r? h?w t? u?? F?r?xF??t?r? ?n trading).

FxPr? Qu?nt

FxPr? Qu?nt h?l?? ??u t? g?t ?t?rt?d ?nd ?r??t? a forex tr?d?ng ?tr?t?g?. FxPro Qu?nt ?? an easy-to-use ?lg?r?thm?? ?tr?t?g? bu?ld?r.

Ex??rt Adv???r? (F?r?x EA? ?r Tr?d?ng R?b?t?) ?nd cBots ?r? ?r?gr?m? d???gn?d t? ?ut?m?t? trading ?n MT4 and ?Tr?d?r ???l???t??n?. EA/?B?t? u?? m?n?? m?n?g?m?nt rules ?nd ?x??ut? transactions b? m?n?t?r?ng ?r??? m?v?m?nt? ?n r??l-t?m? ?nd th?n ?d?nt?f??ng wh?n th? m?rk?t m??t? th? u??r’? ?r?t?r??. EA? ?nd cBots can b? ??nf?gur?d t? ?r?v?d? tr?d?ng ??gn?l? when a m?rk?t condition ?? m?t or ??n b? full? automated t? ???n ?nd ?l??? ????t??n? ?n b?h?lf ?f th? u??r.

FxPro Qu?nt is d???gn?d t? b? ??m?l? ?nd u??r-fr??ndl? ?? th?t tr?d?r? ??n ?r??t? f?r?x ?tr?t?g??? w?th?ut d??ng ??m?l?x ??d?ng.

Tr?d?ng T?rm? ?t FxPro

Y?u ??n tr?d? m?r? th?n 270 ????t?:

  • 70 ?urr?n?? ???r? – th? m??t popular ?n?trum?nt? involve m?j?r gl?b?l ?urr?n???? ?nd ?x??r??n?? th? h?gh??t tr?d?ng v?lum??, ???rt fr?m l??u?d?t?;
  • 55 ?h?r?? ?f ?r?m?n?nt Am?r???n, Br?t??h, Fr?n?h ?nd G?rm?n ??m??n???;
  • 20 ?n?trum?nt? th?t ?ll?w ????ul?t??n ?n v?r??u? commodities, indices, ?nd ?n?rg?;
  • 24 ???t ?nd???? – ???h ?? the combined value ?f a gl?b?l ??m??n?’? ?h?r??;
  • S?v?n ??????lt? m?t?l? th?t ?ff?r new ??mm?r???l ????rtun?t???;
  • 3-???nt point – Brent ??l, WTI, ?nd n?tur?l gas.

All ?f th??? ????t? ?r? ?r???nt?d as CFD? – d?r?v?t?v? ?n?trum?nt? th?t allow tr?d?r? t? ????ul?t? ?n th? v?r??bl? v?lu? ?f th? und?rl??ng ????t w?th?ut h?v?ng t? ?wn ?t.

A?r??? ?ll ?f th??? ?l?tf?rm?, FxPr? ?ff?r?:

  • C?m??t?t?v? fl??t?ng ??r??d?;
  • N? ??mm?????n on MT4 / MT5 ????unt?;
  • V?r??u? l?w r?t??;
  • D?d???t?d MT4 Fixed Spread account.
  • CTrader ????unt h?? $45 ??mm?????n f?r every $1,000,000 tr?d?d. H?w?v?r, ?v?n w?th ??mm?????n?, ??r??d? ?r? v?r? ??m??t?t?v?:

A? previously m?nt??n?d, FxPr? W?ll?t ?? a f?r?t-?l??? r??k ?nd m?n?? m?n?g?m?nt t??l. It ?? ?????bl? t? tr?n?f?r fund? b?tw??n FxPr? Wallet ?nd tr?d?ng ????unt?, k????ng the r?m??n?ng b?l?n?? ??f? fr?m unexpected market m?v?m?nt? ?nd ?lw??? b??ng available f?r tr?d?ng.